
State Rep. John Bradley

This tag is associated with 8 posts

Late Night: Poll Says Kenny Johnson Leads Christian Mitchell; Who Wants Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Private Cell Phone Bills?… and More

(Chicago, IL) – Over the Cliff Together – Governor Pat Quinn’s opposition to a bi-partisan revenue estimate resolution, sponsored by House Speaker Michael Madigan (D-Chicago) and Minority Leader Tom Cross (R-Oswego), which was $221 million below the Governor’s estimate, was well known. The Illinois Responsible Budget Coalition, chaired by John Bouman, also criticized the Madigan-Cross … Continue reading

Is Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Springfield Winning Streak Over?

(Chicago, IL) – In Springfield Rahm was on roll. He won approval for his school plan to extend the school day and school year. He won approval for the DREAM act to help enable privately-funded scholarship for undocumented students. He won approval of his speed camera plan to fine speeding drivers in school zones. He … Continue reading

Despite Criticism by Lisa Madigan of Illinois Workers Compensation Reform, Gov. Pat Quinn Signs Bill

(Chicago, IL) — June 28, 2011. Governor Pat Quinn today signed legislation that overhauls of Illinois’ workers’ compensation system and claimed that the new law will save Illinois businesses between $500 and $750 million dollars. Continue reading

Illinois House, Senate Dems May Be at Odds on Illinois Budget

(Springfield, IL) — March 4, 2011. The state’s next budget could be much smaller than Governor Pat Quinn outlined last month. Or it could be the same. Or larger. Continue reading

Extra $1 Billion is “Found” for Illinois Budget

(Springfield, IL) – March 2, 2011. Illinois may have just over a billion dollars that’s not included in Governor Pat Quinn’s new budget. But lawmakers in Springfield say just because they may have the extra cash, it doesn’t mean they will spend it. Continue reading

Governor Pat Quinn Signs Ill-Starred STAR Bonds Bills to Boost Southern Illinois Economy

(Marion, IL) — June 24, 2010. Governor Pat Quinn today signed a bill into law to establish a business development tax credit and controversial commercial construction bonds to bolster Southern Illinois’ economy, which has seen unemployment range from 12 to 15 percent during 2010. The legislation, Senate Bill 2093, will create the Angel Investment Tax … Continue reading

Pat Quinn Signs Law to Allow Illinois Community Colleges to Borrow to Pay Bills

(Springfield, IL) — June 9, 2010. With Illinois’ fiscal crisis continuing unabated, Governor Pat Quinn today signed legislation into law to enable Illinois community colleges to borrow money to pay its bills while awaiting already-authorized state funding. And they’ll be waiting a long, long, long, long time. Did I mention long? “We must give our … Continue reading

Gov. Pat Quinn Gives Illinois Public Universities Power to Borrow to Pay Bills

(Springfield, IL) June 8, 2010. With Illinois unable to pay its bills, Governor Pat Quinn today signed a bill into law that allows Illinois’ public universities to borrow money in anticipation of already-authorized state funding. “This legislation will give our public universities an important fiscal tool to manage through this unprecedented economic crisis,” said Quinn. … Continue reading

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